The Anthony R. Volpe Excellence in Research Award Criteria
The Anthony R. Volpe Excellence in Research Award will be provided annually to a pre-doctoral dental student who demonstrates outstanding research activity in the dental or biomedical sciences fields. This activity should be performed at least in part while the student is matriculated at Rutgers School of Dental Medicine.
This may include but not be limited to:
1. Principal investigator or a participant in a research project published or ready for submission to a peer reviewed journal,
2. Development or participant in the development of a method that can be considered for patenting.
Three (3) OKU designated members* (judges) will observe the research presentations (posters and oral presentations) presented by RSDM pre-doctoral students during the annual Balbo Research Day.
The OKU designated judges will use the following criteria:
1. Novelty of the project (30%),
2. Basic/Dental/Biomedical science knowledge (20%)
3. Research methods employed (20%)
4. Study design (20%)
5. Revelance to dentistry and clinical practice (10%)
The judges will forward their recommendation for the award recipient to the chapter president no later than 24 hours after the conclusion of Balbo Day.
*by the chapter president