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AC Dental Labs * Kim E. Fenesy *
Kathy Banks Jeffrey Flamme
Joseph A. Battaglia * Martin S. Ginger
Block Drug Company * Sonia Giordano *
Cavan Brunsden Maurice B. Hill Jr.
Emil G. Capetta Mary T. Mancuso *
William R. Cinotti * Office of the Dean-RSDM *
Colgate-Palmolive Company * Joel Pascuzzi *
Diagnostic Sciences-RSDM * Fotinos S. Panagakos *
George P. Delahanty * R. Michael Sanders
James L. Delahanty * George J. Schmidt
Michael R. Della Rosa * Gary B. Vitaletti *
Michele J. Dimaira * Anthony R. Volpe *
Howard Drew  



+ Each honoree has made a contribution of at least $1,000 to our foundation.
* This honoree has made multiple contributions of $1,000.